COVID 19 Safety Information

At Willunga Physiotherapy

Willunga Physio has a commitment to providing the safest environment for our clients and our staff. 

We ask that you please observe the following practices when engaging with our services and attending our clinic.  This helps to keep everybody safe.

Willunga Physiotherapy provides services to a wide range of clients and in particular those that may be classed as “at risk” or more vulnerable.

To keep our clients and team safe, all our team are double vaccinated (mandated by SA Government).

 We will require all Clients and visitors to be Fully Vaccinated*   to attend the Clinic in Person.

Clients are required to show their vaccination certificate prior to their appointment (paper or digital), for their medical records.

Please be reassured all your information is confidential as per Willunga Physiotherapy’s privacy policy

How to get your Covid Vaccination Proof.

Here is a link to the government website if you need help getting your vaccination proof.

* Fully vaccinated refers to a person who is greater than 14 days following receipt of the final dose of a primary course of Covid-19 vaccination eg Double Vaccinated

If you have any covid-type symptoms

No clients (or staff) will be permitted to be in the Practice if they have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath. Please call us to transfer to an online appointment or reschedule if you are unwell.



Both you and your physiotherapist will need to wear masks.



Telehealth appointments are available for those who cannot come into the clinic or who are unable or choose not to be vaccinated.


Physical Distancing is important

Covid-19 is most likely spread through close contact. We recognise physio in the clinic may require close contact. We ask that on all other occasions in the clinic we keep our distance (1.5 metres). You will see changes in the clinic to support us all to keep a safe distance apart and minimise time spent in the clinic for all clients.


Handwashing and Hygiene

Good hygiene is necessary to stop the spread. All clients will be asked to sanitise hands on entering the clinic and on completion of their consultation. Help us by sanitising for 20 seconds.  We won’t be shaking your hand, but a big smile will be offered!

We ask people to remember to cover their cough and remember sneeze etiquette


There are regular, scheduled cleaning and disinfecting practices in place.

Thank you for your help. Please ask if you are unsure. All our staff have Covid Infection Control and Hand Hygiene training.